Three DMJX students participated in Canon Student Development Programme

Thea Tønnesvang, Maria Høy Hansen and Nichlas Pollier have been part of a four-day workshop as part of the Canon Student Development Programme.

The 25 participants and teachers of the Canon Student Development Programme that was held in Girona, Spain in the beginning of September 2024. Photo: Paolo Verzone

The Canon Student Development Programme runs every year and students from Europe and Africa can apply with their portfolio.
The programme consists of three levels:
– First level is one to one mentorships given to around 100 selected participants.
– The second level is the four-day workshop in Girona, Spain that the three DMJX-students have attended. 25 participants are selected among the 100 to participate in this workshop.
– Out of the 25 attendees, three students will be awarded a €2,000 grant and Canon equipment to produce a new project.

Brent Stirton, photographer and Canon ambassadeur, giving a port folio review to Nichlas Pollier (right) during the workshop days. Photo: Canon

During the four-days workshop, the 25 students joined lectures with various photographers, for instance with World Press Photo winner Fabiola Ferrero. The students participated in portfolio reviews with photographers, editors and curators. The reviews were both held one to one and in groups.
Finally, workshops with photographers Massimo Nicolaci and Paolo Verzone focussing on creative light and video were part of the programme.
After the four days, the students went to Visa pour l’Image in Perpignan, where they had a tour around some of the exhibitions and joined the official evening screening.

Maria Høy Hansen during the light workshop. Photo: Canon
All three DMJX students during the video workshop. Photo: Paolo Verzone
During the evenings, the participants shared experiences and showed their stories to each other. Second from left it’s DMJX student Thea Tønnesvang. Photo: Canon
Thea Tønnesvang and Maria Høy Hansen in conversation during the workshop in Girona. The two DMJX students were each recognized after the workshop with a place at the Hamburg Portfolio Review. Photo: Paolo Verzone