Archibald McGill finalist at Australian Photography Awards 2024

Archibald McGill has been announced finalist in two categories for the Australian Photography Awards 2024.

Archibald McGill’s image from the anti-government demonstrations in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia is among the ten finalists in the documentary category at APA – Australian Photography Awards 2024. The photograph is part of a reportage made during his Photo 2 study in the spring 2024. Photo: Archibald McGill
Archibald McGill is also among the finalists in the student’s category at APA 2024 with this image, also from the anti-government demonstrations in Tbilisi. The photograph is part of a reportage made during his Photo 2 study in the spring 2024. Photo: Archibald McGill

Archibald McGill studied at our Photo 2 programme in the spring 2024. For his final Diploma Project, he went to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia to document the anti-government protests in April/May, 2024

His project “Under the Thumb” was part of Paradox – the DMJX exhibition at Copenhagen Photo Festival 2024.

The APA – Australian Photography Awards runs for the ninth time. There are ten finalists in each of the six categories. The winners will be announced October, 26 and all finalists will be exhibited as part of an event with talks and screenings.