At the graduation ceremony today, Sille Veilmark and Sofie Mathiassen received the Ritzau Scanpix Prize for best Danish photojournalistic BA-project.

The two photographers received the prize for their book 1°C, which tells about the various consequences of the global climate changes in Denmark.
Three projects were nominated for the prize. Apart from Sille Veilmark and Sofie Mathiassen’s 1°C, it was:
“The New Weapon Against Malaria” by journalist Bettina Illemann Larsen and photojournalist Benjamin Nørskov.
“At the Lake” by Kenneth Lysbjerg Koustrup.
It is the photojournalism teachers, who nominate the projects and the editorial staff at Ritzau Scanpix, who choose the winner.

Photo: Soffi Chanchira Larsen

Photo: Soffi Chanchira Larsen

Photo: Soffi Chanchira Larsen