A Heart in the Shadow by Nichlas Pollier Gold in International Picture Story
There have been weekly protests against the settlements in the West Bank ever since Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967. A boy runs away after Israeli soldiers fire tear gas and ammunition from the Jewish settlement of Kedumim, west of Nablus, West Bank. Photo by Nichlas Pollier from his winning series A Heart in the Shadow. Nichlas Pollier made the project during his 4th term in the spring 2022.
Do you see, what I see by Rikke Kjær Poulsen and Liv Møller Kastrup Gold in Team Picture Story
“It feels kinda like being drunk. You’re there, but not in control of everything” Simone Korsbakke, 26 y/o. In 2016 Simone suffered from a stressrelated phsycosis. The project Do You See, What I See portrays in images and texts different people, who have suffered from psychosis. In co-operation with the people, the two photographers have visualized the moods or feelings the protagonists felt, while they were in the grip of the psychosis. Photo from the winning series by Rikke Kjær Poulsen and Liv Møller Kastrup. Rikke Kjær Poulsen and Liv Møller Kastrup made the stories as their final BA-project in the fall 2022 and graduated in January 2023
Maxim (24) lives at ‘Centrul de plasament Bădiceni’ which supposed to be a temporary home for people in Moldova with mental and physical disabilities. However, the graveyard just a stone’s throw away tells another story. Around 300 adults live in the institution. Despite Moldova’s efforts of deinstitutionalization in the last ten years, these institutions are heavily criticized by the UN who strongly recommends the country to shut them down. Violence, neglect, and poor living conditions create an environment of constant agony and anxiety among the patients. Photo by Maria Høy Hansen from her 4th term project made in the spring 2022.
A Palestinian man walks through tear gas and smoke from burning car tires during clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian protesters in Kafr Qaddoum, west of Nablus, West Bank. Photo by Nichlas Pollier from his 4th term project A Heart in the Shadow made in the spring 2022.
The Patients of Polio by Christian Falck Wolff Award of Excellence in Domestic Picture Story
“I was 5 years old when I got polio. The nurses had to tell my parents that they were not allowed to visit me in the hospital anymore because I cried inconsolably every time. I had a porcelain doll that I was very fond of. But when I finally got home from the hospital, the first thing I did was smash its feet.” In the years 1952-53, a violent polio epidemic rolled over Denmark – the worst ever in Europe. Around 7,000 Danes became ill – the vast majority of them children. Just under 350 of them died, and the survivors suffered irreversible paralysis in their bodies. Today, the children of the polio epidemic have grown old. Their lives have been marked by an illness that disabled them, but also made them resilient. Portrait from Christian Falck Wolff’s series The Patients of Polio made during his internship at Politiken.
College Photographer of the Year is the oldest competition for students of photography. The competition is held every year in the fall and this year’s competition is number 78 of its kind. This year 163 schools participated and 571 students submitted 10,064 images in the still picture categories.
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