Friday, November 10, 2023, the Photo 1 students launched their magazine at a reception at DMJX. The ten students have worked with individual stories within the topic “Otherness”.
The Photo 1 students before the magazine reception at DMJX. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJX
Graphic designer Lars Bai going through the magazine layout with the students. In the picture Lars Bai is talking to Sefa Eyol.Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXCélestine Decloedt, Eliška Krátká and Antonia Gigglberger tearing pages apart to be used for the portraits of each student.Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXRémy Vroonen (standing) and Ludovico Paiella assisting while Sefa Eyol is being photographed for the portrait page in the magazine. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXLudovico Paiella prof reading his article before sending the magazine for print. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJX
Pictures from the preparations of the magazine reception:
Daniel Almeida, Shrouk Ghonim, Sefa Eyol, Ludovico Paiella, Eliška Krátká and Ben Bond putting stickers on every spread of the magazine to make them ready for hanging. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXAntonia Gigglberger, Kaye van Loon, Célestine Decloedt and Rémy Vroonen hanging the magazine on the boards in the front hall at DMJX. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXThe magazine is hanging on the walls and Eliška Krátká and Ben Bond are killing time till the guests arrive and the reception starts. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXEliška Krátká and Ben Bond have scored a goal…. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJX….and so have Daniel Almeida and Célestine Decloedt.Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJX
Pictures from the magazine reception:
Ben Bond (left) meeting with the portagonist from his magazine story. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXMore than 50 students and guests visited the magazine reception. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXShrouk Ghonim (left) in conversation with Danish first term student Ciliane Stubkjær Jensen. Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJXEliška Krátká celebrating the magazine with some of her friends.Photo: Søren Pagter/DMJX
The magazine Otherness has been made during a six weeks workshop. During the first week the students received teaching within writing and photography, The following three weeks were spend on making the stories and the students received coaching during the process. The final two weeks was spend on writing, working on the images and lay outing the magazine.
The ten students behind the magazine are: Antonia Gigglberger (Germany) Célestine Decloedt (Belgium) Rémy Vroonen (France) Kaye van Loon (Holland) Eliška Krátká (Czech Republic) Daniel Almeida (Portugal) Shrouk Ghonim (Egypt) Sefa Eyol (Turkey) Ben Bond Obiri Asamoah (Ghana) Ludovico Paiella (Italy)
The teachers at the magazine workshop were: Gitte Luk (written journalism) Lars Bai (design and layout) Søren Pagter (photojournalism)
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