Thursday the 6th of June, Copenhagen Photo Festival will begin and more than 20 DMJX students and their projects will be a part of the festival.

Mathias Svold and Ulrik Hasemann’s Coastland project will be exhibited at Broens Gadekøkken and Kulturtårnet at Knippelsbro. The two photographers will give an artist talk at Broens Gadekøkken on Wednesday the 12th of June at 5pm and at Kulturtårnet, Knippelsbro Thursday the 13th at 4pm.
The project will also be exhibited in the new terminal at Copenhagen Airport.
Mathias Svold and Ulrik Hasemann started Coastland as their BA-project in 2017, continued to work on the project in 2018 and realeased the book around a month ago.
DMJX has financially supported the exhibition.

Third term student Jesper Houborg is showing his project “Faceless People“ at Videomøllen, Sankt Hans Gade/Ravnsborggade every night between 10pm and midnight, where the pictures will be projected outside on a house wall.

Eighth term student, Sofie Mathiassen is among the 33 selected Danish photographers, who are exhibiting self portraits at the Theater Museum, Christiansborg Ridebane 18.

The Status:19 exhibition will be shown at Højbro Plads in PixlArt’s exhibition bus. Status:19 is a curated exhibition of 100 images, which shows a mix of the best Danish photography within the genres commercial, art, communication, portrait and journalism. The exhibition pictures have been selected among more than 2,300 submissions.
The 8 DMJX students Sille Veilmark, Nanna Navntoft, Sofie Mathiassen, Tobias Nicolai, Mads Claus Rasmussen, Morten Lau-Nielsen, Ida Marie Odgaard and Ivan Boll have pictures at Status:19.

The Danish Picture of the Year is exhibited at the Royal Library. Several DMJX students have pictures at the exhibition, among them are the winners and runner-ups at the competition;
Julie Kristensen and Andreas Merrald – first prize in the category Long TV/Web story for their story „Distant Love“.
Sofie Mathiassen – first prize in the category Danish Reportage for at picture of her grandparents photographed in the moment where her grandmother says a last goodbye the her late grandfather.
Marie Bentzon – first prize in the Portrait Singles category for a portait of the CEO of Danske Bank, Thomas Borgen.
Mikkel Hørlyck – runner-up in the category Long Term Project with his story “A Long Life with Drugs: I mustn’t Die before my Mother”.
Tanja Carstens Lund – runner-up in the category for Danish Everyday Picture.
Finally, 9 DMJX students have been selected to participate in festival workshops with photographers Andrea Bruce and Filippo Venturi. The 9 students are Oscar Scott Carl, Katinka Klinge Albrectsen, Louise Herrche Serup, Deepti Asthana, Sophie Voisin, Shirin Abedi, Aleksander Klug, Andreas Haubjerg and Nanna Navntoft.