Sofie Mathiassen and Lukas Kreibig were among the finalists in the category “Circle of Life” at the 13th international photo festival “Vilnius Photo Circle”, which was held this weekend in the capital of Lithuania.

Sofie Mathiassen was nominated for her personal story “But Greatest is Love” and Lukas Kreibig was nominated for his final project from 2017, “Heart of a Seal”. The two photographers participated in the festival, where they exhibited their stories and gave talks about their work.

A selection of DMJX video documentaries were also shown at the festival.
“Vilnius Photo Circle” is a festival organized by the Lithuanian Press Photographers Club. The main part of the festival is the contest “Circle of Life”, in which press photographers from all over the world can take a part. The photo stories must be on social themes from our everyday live. The best five to seven photo stories selected by an international jury will be exhibited during the Festival and published in the journal Photo Circle.