The judging of the still picture categories at College Photographer of the Year has ended and six DMJX-students have won eight prizes in six diffeerent categories.
Nanna Navntoft Portrait category – Gold
“I was teased to the point I vowed not to eat a meal in school. I had one muffin a day, but it was not enough, so I ate the paper too”, Eve Gordon (21 years old). Eve Gordon used to suffer from Binge Eating Disorder. But luckily she retrieved the right therapy for her and no longer deal with it. She is in a good place now, but when she looks back on her time with BED, she says: ”I have moved on, but I remember it clearly. The other kids were laughing at me, when I didn´t eat the skin on a baked potato. I was so humiliated, that I never ate a meal at school again. I would then only eat a muffin. But it was too little, so I would eat the paper too.” Photo by Nanna Navntoftfrom her project about BEDmade during her exchange study at KABK in Amsterdam.
Kenneth Lysbjerg Koustrup Portrait – Award of Excellence
“It’s both a nice, but also a scary place. When I dive down, I experience sides of myself that I don’t meet on land.” Says Ninna Kofod. Ninna has grown up near Fure lake, and today she works as a free diving instructor. She has been diving for ten years, and has trained herself to get deep into the lake and into her own mind. “It’s an inexplicable fear of the darkness and the depths I encounter. It’s a bit like in movies where there is an eerie background music, but also a tremendous calm, and it allows me to explore the fear I feel.” Photo by Kenneth Lysbjerg Koustrup from his BA-project “By the lake – a crack in the water mirror”.
Jens Hartmann Schmidt International Picture Story – Gold
The men in the group is pushing towards the man in the middle. He is totally numb and exhausted after doing an anger-exercise. The intimiacy and precence of the other men is important to find your inner man. Photo by Jens Hartmann Schmidt, from winning series “The Annual Men’s Retreat”made during his internship at Politiken.
Andreas Merrald International Picture Story – Silver
7-year-old Mika was assigned male at birth but this assignment seems to have had very little influence on Mika’s development. Every morning when the wardrobe is opened Mika points to the day’s outfit. Unless Mika’s choice is too impractical, they say no, but otherwise Mika is the one who decides. All shades of pink are very popular at the moment. The hair is long and braided because this is what Mika wants. Tractors, drawings and tulle skirts adorn the room which contains all the colors of the rainbow. Photo by Andreas Merrald, from his winning series “Neither boy nor girl. Mika is just Mika” made during his 3rd term.
Mads Claus Rasmussen Sports portfolio – Bronze
Chris Langridge of England during the mens double match in the European Mixed Team Badminton Championships 2019 in Copenhagen February 13, 2019. Photo by Mads Claus Rasmussen – part of his winning series of sport pictures shot during his internship at Ritzau Scanpix.
Peter Nygaard Christensen Interpretive Project – Silver
The summer of 2018 was extremely warm. Heat and drought made its impact on both nature and agriculture and according to scientists, the frequency of summers like this one is likely to increase. When the grass is yellow, the cows haven’t had enough to eat. It has forced ecological farmers to slaughter their cows much earlier than previously. In a span of 5-6 weeks during the summer of 2018, Danish Crown (largest slaughterhouse and meat processing company of Denmark), registered almost a doubling in the number of slaughters, compared to the previous timeframe the year before. The high amount of early slaughters means an increase in prices the following year. On the picture: A slaughtered cow. Source: Danish Crown. Photo by Peter Nygaard Christensen from his winning series “Warmer climate, New nature” – made during his internship at Information.
Kenneth Koustrup Domestic Picture Story – Silver
Mikkel Ousen is 24 years old, and is the third generation in the family, who go hunting at vaernengene. He works in the ambulance and rescue service in Fredericia, nearly 130 kilometers away. Almost all of his spare time is spent on going to the hut. If the weather is promising for hunting, he even tries to swap his shifts at work so he can visit the area. Mikkel’s first rifle was a wooden toy gun, which he always carried around when he was a child. His present rifle is a gift from his grandfather. Photo by Kenneth Koustrup, from his winning series“The place where nothing can change” – made as his 7th term project.
Nanna Navntoft Illustration – Award of Excellence
“I was teased to the point I vowed not to eat a meal in school. I had one muffin a day, but it was not enough, so I ate the paper too”, Eve Gordon (21 years old). Two polaroids put together as a diptych. Photo by Nanna Navntoft from her project about BED made during her exchange study at KABK in Amsterdam.
There were 8830 pictures submitted to the different still pictures categories at CPOY. The largest category was Portrait, where 674 pictures were submitted. In total 112 schools from 19 countries participated in the competition.
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