Wednesday the 6th of November, Benjamin Nørskov presented his DMJX project EPA Sweden for the Swedish Parliament, Riksdagen. Lars Mejern Larsson, member of Riksdagen for the Social Demokrats and spokesman of cultural affairs had invited Benjamin to Stockholm.
Benjamin Nørskov talked about his project, EPA, Sweden, at the Riksdagen in Stockholm, Sweden, Yesterday.EPA, Sweden are stories about youngsters in Sweden, who according to the law can drive EPA tractors on the roads if the cars aren’t capable of driving faster than 30km/t. The Swedish girls and boys in the rural areas of Sweden express their creativity and pride through this possibility of modifying ordinary cars and trucks into personal EPA tractors. Photo: Lars Sjöqvist, Värmlands Museum.Lars Mejern Larsson, Social Demokrat and member of the Swedish Parliament had invited Benjamin to Stockholm to talk about his stories focussing on the Swedish youth and their culture.Photo: Lars Sjöqvist, Värmlands Museum.All pictures in EPA, Sweden are shot on a modified polaroid camera with a Mamiya Press lens, that shoots 60×120 mm negatives. Benjamin did the project during his 7th and 8th term in 2018. This summer, the project was exhibited at Värmlands Museumin Karlstad, Sweden. While back in Sweden, Benjamin will continue to photograph for his project and present the project to more galleries. Photo: Benjamin Nørskov.
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