Benjamin Nørskov is currently exhibiting his project EPA Sweden at Abecita Arts Museum in Borås, Sweden. For the exhibition he has produced pictures that are more than 13 square meters large.

Photo: Benjamin Nørskov

and can be seen untill the 17th of Jnauary 2021.
Photo: Benjamin Nørskov

Photo: Benjamin Nørskov

Photo: Benjamin Nørskov

EPA, Sweden are stories about youngsters in Sweden, who according to the law can drive EPA tractors on the roads if the cars aren’t capable of driving faster than 30km/t. The Swedish girls and boys in the rural areas of Sweden express their creativity and pride through this possibility of modifying ordinary cars and trucks into personal EPA tractors.
Benjamin Nørskov started the “EPA, Sweden” project during his 7th term in the spring 2018 as a part of our Youth in Europe workshop and continued to work on the story during his 8th term. After his first exhibition a year ago in Karlstad, Benjamin has been back in Sweden to portray even more youngsters. The two new exhibitions consists of both old and new pictures.