Nordic Journalist Center (NJC) organizes a documentary photography masterclass for 11 Nordic and Russian photographers in Istanbul from November 22nd till 30rd. The masterclass is conducted by DMJX alumni Mads Nissen and DMJX faculty teacher Mads Greve.

The 11 Nordic and Russian photographers have been selected for the “Transit Istanbul” masterclass, where the participants will get educational inputs and inspiration plus time to work on their own stories in Istanbul. While working on their stories, the participants will receive coaching from Mads Nissen and Mads Greve.
The NJC master class is the fifth of its kind, where DMJX Photojournalism run photojournalistic master classes for NJC. The first workshop was called Sort of Safe, and included Nordic photographers. The following three workshops have, like this one, been for a mix of Nordic and Russian photographers. The previous Nordic/Russian workshops have had the following themes: Next Door, Next To Me and Next To You. The topic for the current workshop is Transit Istanbul.