Marie Hald at her exhibition “Udstillet” that opened March 31 at Frederiksborg Castle and can be seen untill September 17, 2023.Picture from Marie Hald’s final BA-project “Magic City” that tells stories about the people living in Miami, Florida, USA. The image is part of the exhibition “Udstillet”. Photo: Marie HaldA view through the beautiful salons of Frederiksborg Castle, where Marie Hald is exhibiting right now. Photo: Marie Hald.Portrait of Sidsel from Marie Hald’s Personal Project “Perfect Girls” that she made at DMJX in 2012. This and other portraits from this series are exhibited at Frederiksborg Castle. Photo: Marie HaldSince prostitution is legal in Denmark, Bonnie pays taxes and is registered as a business. However she has an old sentence for fraud and has been to prison a couple of times. Reportage picture from Marie Hald’s story about Bonnie. Marie Hald made the project at DMJX in 2012 and part of the series can be seen at her current exhibition. In 2013, Marie Hald won Danish Picture of the Year with this image. Photo: Marie Hald
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