We’re happy to announce that we have selected the international students, who are going to study at DMJX after the summer break.
We received 42 applications and have selected 10 students for our international Photo I programme and three students, who will join our Danish final year students during the Personal Story Telling programme.
The 10 Photo I students are:
Salih Basheer, Sudan
Arafat Siraji, Bangladesh
Katherine Reahl, USA
Sarah Simone Åbacka, Finland
Azadeh Besharati, Iran
Thea Marie Klinger, Germany
Pranabesh Das, Bangladesh
Nicola Lanciotti, Italy
Simon Gerlinger, Germany
Renja Nurmi, Finland

We have selected Azadeh Besharati and Salih Basheer to receive a scholarship each from The VII Foundation to study at our Photo I programme in the fall 2020.
Azadeh Besharati receives the The Alexandra Boulat Grant in remembrance of the late, prize winning French photographer, who was a member and co-founder of VII Photo Agency.
Salih Basheer receives The Shahidul Alam Grant in honour of the great importance Shahidul Alam has for the development of independent photojournalism in the World.
The two students from Bangladesh, Pranabesh Das and Arafat Siraji, are supported by an Erasmus exchange between the two schools, Pathshala in Bangladesh and DMJX in Denmark.
The 3 students selected for Photo 2 – Personal Story Telling – are:
Fatemeh Behboudi, Iran
Khashayar Javanmardi, Iran
Sabry Khaled, Egypt

Sabry Khaled’s further study at DMJX is also supported by The VII Foundation.
The fall term begins on the 17th of August at the brand new campus in Aarhus, Denmark.