Morten Lau-Nielsen exhibits his project The Buoyant Days at Graven 29, Aarhus – the exhibition is organized by The Photographic Plate Project.

Morten describes his project like this:
”The first kiss, the first party and the first girlfriend. In the spring of 2017 I decided to go back to where I grew up. Back to my hometown in Jylland where I experienced a lot of things for the first time. I followed a group of young people in their everyday life together with their friends and I relived my own youth. Not much had changed.”
Morten made the project during his third term in 2017 as a part of our Youth in Europe project, which we made in co-operation with Hochschule Hanover and Speos/Magnum.

The exhibition is a public window dispaly and will run till the 24th of October. The official opening is post-poned due to the current Covid-19 restrictions.
The Buoyant Days has previously been exhibited several places in Germany and at Status:19 in Denmark.