During nine working hours on Friday the 4th of September, 15 DMJX students and three teachers created a pop-up portrait exhibition at Dokk1 in Aarhus.

Two big screens were connected to the students’ computeres
so that people could follow the selection and working process.
Photo: Søren Pagter
The students met at 9am and were immediately sent out into the streets of Aarhus to meet and portray the people of the city. During the day, the students and teachers selected the portraits, printed the images and created an exhibition.

Photo: Søren Pagter
The exhibition “Aarhus Portraits” consists of almost 50 portraits and will hang at Dokk1 for the next two weeks.

Photo: Søren Pagter
The students behind the exhibition are:
From Photo I
Salih Basheer
Katherine Reahl
Azadeh Besharati
Thea Marie Klinger
Renja Nurmi
Simon Gerlinger
Nicola Lanciotti
From third term
Liv Møller Kastrup
Nina Pilgaard
Magnus Hove
Jonathan Damslund
Katrine Noer
Mads Andreas Frost
Stefan-Alexander Jagd Aarøe
Rikke Kjær Poulsen

while selecting one of Liv’s portraits. Photo: Søren Pagter
Both faculty teachers, Mads Greve and Søren Pagter supported the students in selecting and editing their pictures. Photographer and DMJX alumni, Tobias Nicolai, was in charge of the layout and printing of the images.

Photo: Søren Pagter
All protagonists can get a copy of the exhibition print at the information desk at Dokk1. Some people already came during the Friday to see the results and to get their pictures.

the family, where the daugthers were portrayed.
Photo: Søren Pagter