Seven photojournalist students go the Perpignan with Canon

Canon Europe has selected the students, who wil go on a free educational trip to Visa pour l’Image in Perpignan this coming September. 10 students from Denmark have been selected for the Canon Student Programme and out of these are seven photojournalist students from DMJX. The selected photojournalism students are: »

Greve and Pagter at Dok18 in Fredrikstad

This weekend Mads Greve and Søren Pagter have participated in the Dok18 Festival in Fredrikstad, Norway. At the three days festival there were lectures with among others the photographers Sanne de Wilde, Jessica Dimmock, Zack Canepari and the filmmaker Erik Poppe. Lars Dareberg (Sweden), Annemor Larsen (Norway) and Søren Pagter »

Anders Rye & Rune Aarestrup have won the Kravling Prize

This Saturday the winners of Kravling Prize were announced at Bremen Theater in Copenhagen. The Kravling Prizes are given annually to the best productions made by media and journalism students. The prizes are divided into four categories: – Journalism – Design – Communication – TV/photojournalism Rune Aarestrup Pedersen with the »

Sina Niemeyer’s book "Für Mich" will be published by Ceiba

Sina Niemeyer‘s Visual Project “Für Mich”, made during Photo II in the fall 2016, will be launched as a book at the Kassel Fotobook Festival, which runs from the 31st of May till the 3rd of June. Front cover of Sine Niemeyer’s book “Für Mich”. Photo: Ceiba. “Für Mich” is »

Mads Greve exhibits at Kolga Tbilisi Photo Festival

Yesterday evening, Mads Greve and Lærke Posselt opened an exhibition at Kolga Tbilisi Photo Festival in Georgia.  Mads Greve and Lærke Posselt’s exhibtion “Nowhere Near” at Kolga Tbilisi Photo Festival in Georgia. The exhibition “Nowhere Near” is a combination of Lærke’s dark winter landscapes and Mads’ photos of encounters and »

Handmade book from our second term students

Our second term students have finished their magazine workshop today with a launch of their book Ama’r. The 16 students have been doing stories from the island Amager, outside Copenhagen. The 15 individual stories are combined in a book, where the students have created unique handmade covers for each of »

Peter Klint’s BA project in Ud & Se magazine

In January 2017, Peter Klint graudated with a very special BA-project. Peter Klint made a narrative story, where he through thorough interviews and portraits retold episodes from the life of his childhood friend, who suffers from more psykiatric diseases. The BA-project was just as much a written essay as it »

Søren Pagter in the Lumix Festival jury

This Friday, the jury for the 6th Lumix Festival met at the FREELENS Gallery in Hamburg to select the winners among the 60 still pictures stories, which will be exhibited at the festival in Hannover in June. The jury for the Lumix Festival in a discussion during their meeting in »

Julia Lindemalm has published the book Zoo World

Front cover of Julia Lindemalm’s newly published book – Zoo World. Back in 2011 Julia Lindemalm studied at Photo II at DMJX and her final Diploma Project was a project about how we treat animals at zoos. Julia Lindemalm has continued her project and visited zoos all over the world. »

More of Ólafur Steiner Gestsson’s BA project in Information

A part of Ólafur Steiner Gestsson and journalist Frederik Tillitz’ BA project has been published in the daily Information on the 21st of April. For their BA, Ólafur Steiner Gestsson and Frederik Tillitz made a website with a series of stories from East Ukraine and Transnistria. Information published one of »

Patricia Kühfuss has won second prize at World Photography

Patricia Kühfuss won second prize in the professional competition in the category “Creative” at the Sony World Photography, which were announced at the award ceremony in London, yesterday. One of the ten images in Patricia Kühfuss’ prize winning seriesvisualizing the hand signs used to hail taxis in Johannesburg. Patricia won »

Snapshots from World Press Photo Festival

This weekend the World Press Photo award ceremony and festvial was held in Amsterdam. Here are a few visual snapshots from the days, when Heba Khamis celebrated her first prize in the category for contemporary Issues, stories. Heba Khamis in front of her prize winning story at the opening of »

Launch of magazine made by Photo I students

Our international Photo I students launched their magazine at a reception this Friday. Cover of the magazine PANTA RHEI made by nine Photo I students. Click to read the magazine. During a four-week workshop the nine students have researched, photographed, written and layouted individual stories, which are published together in »

Heba Khamis wins first prize at World Press Photo

Thursday night, at the award ceremony for the World Press Photo of the year 2017 Heba Khamis was announced as the winner of the category Contemporary Issues, series. Heba Khamis giving a speech after she received her prizeat the World Press Photo award ceremony. Photo: Søren Pagter. Heba Khamis (Egypt) »

No longer scholarships at DMJX

Tonight, in Amsterdam international DMJX-student Heba Khamis will receive a first, second or third prize at the World Press Photo of the year 2017. Heba Khamis is nominated in the category Contemporary Issuses for her story Banned Beauty, which was her final diploma project made at DMJX in 2016. It’s »

CPOY award ceremony in Washington DC

This weekend the award ceremony for both POYi and CPOY is held at Newseum in Washington DC, USA. Mathias Svold and Rune Aarestrup in Washington DC for the CPOY award cermony. Two of the prize winning DMJX-studentss, Mathias Svold and Rune Aaresstrup, are participating in the award days. Mathias Svold »

7th term students in Paris

Our 7th term students are in Paris together with teacher Mads Greve from Friday till Sunday to participate in a workshop with students from Fachhochschule in Hannover and Speos School of Photography in Paris. Bejnamin Nørskov, Stine Tidsvilde, Victoria Mørck Madsen, Peter-Emil Witt and Sarah Nørgaard in front of Speos »

Tobias Nicolai’s 7th term project in Information

Tobias Nicolai and his fellow journalism students Sebastian Engelberth Hansen and Christian Olesen have made a 7th term project about the struggling trotting sport in Denmark. Saturday the 31st of March the story was published in the daily Information. It can also be seen online at Information’s website. »

Third term students exhibit their photo documentaries

Friday, our third term students opened an exhibition showing the photo documentaries, which they have made during a foru-week workshop. The students have had two weeks to work in the field with their stories. Third term student, Stine Rasmussen showing her work from a French boarding school to guest lecturer »

DMJX visiting the Nordic Photography School at Biskops Arnö

Five DMJX students and faculty teacher, Mads Greve, participated in a seminar at the Nordic Photography School at Biskops Arnö in Sweden this Thursday and Friday. From left Rasmus Laurvig, Louise Herrsche Serup and Andreas Haubjerg listening to the one of the lectures at the Nordic Photography School at Biskops »