MAGAZINE by 11 Danish students of photojournalism made at the Danish School of Media and Journalism in the spring 2024. The magazine THYLAND consists of ten stories from the region Thy in the Northwest of Denmark. The 11 students behind the magazine are:Amalie HaunPeter MaunsbachKasper KrupsdahlLoui PedersenSigne Bech SøholtFrederik KongsgaardVikki »


MAGAZINE PROJECT with stories from the town of Struer, Denmark. Produced by Danish second term students at DMJX in the spring 2022. The students behind the magazine are:Rasmus H. BreumEmilie Toldam FuttrupSigne Sofie LægsgaardBenjamin Voldum KrogNichlas PollierEmil Bay GregersenAxel Emil HammerboRosaline Benbaruch LangeMartin Thomas FordLiv Latricia HabelMaria Høy HansenRebecca Helene »

Trending plastic in Lebanon

STILL PICTURE STORY by Emilie Lærke Henriksen – made in the fall 2019 during her third term at DMJX. In Lebanon women aim for eternal youth and it is important to look fresh and sexy. Plastic surgery has therefore become a natural part of being a woman. About 1.5 million »

DMJX students start new photo community in Aarhus

Sarah Christine Nørgaard, Sofie Mathiassen, Morten Lau-Nielsen and Benjamin Nørskov have started the photo community Sekssyv and their first event is a talk with Joakim Rimer Rasmussen. The first event by Sekssyv is a talk with Joakim Rimer Rasmussen, who graduated this autumn with the project Fjordvang, which is a »

DMJX students selected for Nikon Noor Academy

Five DMJX students have been selected from more than 360 applications to participate in the Nikon Noor Academy, which is workshops run by Noor photographers in Italy, Hungary and Switzerland. The selected students, who will participate in either the workshops in Italy and Switzerland, are: Italy Giulia Frigieri – graduated »

Seven DMJX students at Eddie Adams Workshop

Seven DMJX students have been enjoying a busy and inspiring weekend at the 31st Eddie Adams Workshop this weekend. DMJX students at Eddie Adams Workshop. Back from left to right: Eve Edelheit (volunteer and producer at the workshop), Liz Moughon, Allison Hess, Lukas Kreibig, Mathias Svold and Evgeny Makarov. Front: »

Hashem Shakeri in Courrier international

Hashem Shakeri’s story about the climate change in the south-east of Iran is published over five pages in the French magazine Courrier International. Hashem made the story in the spring 2018 as his final project, while he was studying at our Photo I programme. One page of the five pages »

Arko Datto back in Aarhus

Arko Datto studied one year at our photojournalism programs back in 2013. Today, Arko was back in Aarhus to give a talk for our final year students and Sunday, he will give a talk at present Photobook Week Aarhus. Arko Datto, member of Noor Images,  showed and talked about his »

Working on the International Master program

Our colleagues from Mittuniversitet in Sundsvall visited DMJX this Tuesday till Thursday for the very first meeting, where we began to draw the lines for our new international master in photojournalism. Per Mattsson, Mads Greve and Terje Lindblom working on the plan for the new master education. Photo: Søren Pagter. »

DMJX students exhibit in Monschau, Germany

Sarah Nørgaard, Stine Tidsvilde, Victoria Mørck Madsen, Benjamin Nørskov, Peter-Emil Witt and Ivan Riordan Boll are right now a part of the exhibition “European Youth” at KuK Monschau, Germany. The opening of “European Youth”. Photo: Daniel Chatard. The exhibition is the result of a student workshop arranged by teachers from »

Heba Khamis selected for the 6×6 Global Talent Program

Today, the World Press Photo announced the six photographers, who have been selected for the 6×6 Global Talent Program from Africa. Former DMJX-student Heba Khamis has been selected – partly based on her final project “Banned Beauty” about breast ironing in Cameroun. Heba Khamis made “Banned Beauty” as her final »

Gary Knight at DMJX

Gary Knight from VII Photo Agency visited DMJX for a couple of days this week. Gary Knight is one of the two directors of the VII Foundation and he visited our school to talk about and get inspiration for a coming VII Academy – a school for documentary photography run »

DMJX announces two scholarships for international students

 We’re are extremely happy and thankful to announce that the VII Foundation has decided to fund grants for two international students coming from the Majority World to study at DMJX in the spring 2019. The one grant will be named The Alexandra Boulat Grant in remembrance of the late, prize »

World Press lectures for DMJX-students

Inspiring lectures by two winners at World Press Photo 2018, an exclusive tour of the World Press Photo exhibition and a touching opening speech by a former DMJX-student. Thursday, 25 Danish and international DMJX-students went to Copenhagen for a full day of World Press Photo lectures at Politiken arranged by »

Mathias Svold’s internship at National Geographic

Mathias Svold on the Whanganui River in New Zealand. Last year, Mathias Svold won College Photographer of the Year, where the first prize included a three months internship at National Geographic. Mathias worked on a story of his own choice during his internship and went to the Whanganui River in »

Hashem Shakeri in British Journal of Photography

Hashem Shakeri’s story about the climate change in the south of Iran is published in British Journal of Photography. Hashem made the story in the spring 2018 as his final project, while he was studying at our Photo I programme. Rige Mouri village, Helmand town, Sistan. The Saravani family have »

26 photojournalist students cover Aarhus Festival

During four days a mixed group of Danish third term and international students work together covering the current Aarhus Festival week. The first editorial meetings, where the students plan their coverage of Aarhus Festival. Photo: Mathilde Bech. The 26 photojournalist students are divided into five editorial groups, which each have »

DMJX students at Visa pour l’Image

Seven DMJX photojournalist students are right now in Perpignan to participate in Canon Student Program at Visa pour l’Image. Evening screening at Visa Pour l’Image. Together with almost 200 students, selected from schools all over Europe, the DMJX-students participate in lectures, port folio reviews and present their work to one »

Book release by Giulia Mangione

Giulia Mangione told about her project “Halfway Mountain” at the book release at Gallery Image, yesterday. Photo: Søren Pagter. Giulia Mangione released her book, Halfway Mountain, at a reception at Gallery Image in Aarhus, yesterday. At the reception the staff at Gallery Image welcomed the students and told about the »