Third term story in Weekendavisen

Jesper Houborg and Valdemar Stroe Ren‘s third term project about illegal deforestation in Romania is published in the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen – both online and in the printed edition. The two students made the story in the fall 2019 and they’re both nominated for this year’s Danish POY. »

Terje Abusdal has published his Visual Project

Terje Abusdal has launched the book “Hope Blinds Reason” which consists of images made along the Ganga River in India. Terje Abusdal started the project in 2014 as his Visual Project during our Photo II programme. In the following years till 2016, he went back to continue the project. »

Welcome lecture with Elin Berge

The Swedish photographer Elin Berge gave this term’s welcoming lecture at DMJX today. Elin Berge told the students about the background for her career and showed her various projects, where most of them are made in her home country Sweden – and she also showed pictures from her upcoming book. »

Nanna Navntoft received the Ritzau Scanpix Prize

At yesterday’s graduation ceremony, Nanna Navntoft received the Ritzau Scanpix Prize for best photojournalistic BA-project. Nanna Navntoft received the Ritzau Scanpix Prize for her project “Day 1 – notes about overeating”. The project portrays and tells the stories of five men, who suffers from overeating. Two photojournalistic projects were nominated »

Third DMJX workshop in Cairo

Last week, Gitte Luk conducted a four-day workshop in Cairo on writing for photographers. Gitte Luk’s workshop is the third in a row of four workshops for a group of Egyptian photographers. During the workshop the 12 participants were taught how to use observation as a method and how to »

Heart of the Seal published in China

Lukas Kreibig‘s story “Heart of the Seal” continues to be shown and published around the world. This time China Esquire printed the story on 12 pages. Lukas Kreibig made the story as his final project in November 2017. With Heart of the Seal, Lukas has won the BFF Förderpreis and »

Oscar Scott Carl in Euroman

Oscar Scott Carl‘s prizewinning story “A Boys Home in Nuuk” are online at the Danish magazine Euroman. Oscar made the story during his third term i the fall 2018 and he is currently interning at Berlingske Media. The story about the orphanage “Kaassassuk” is also online on showcases at our »

DMJX students and teacher nominated for the Danish Picture of the Year

Yesterday, the nominees for this year’s Danish Picture of the Year were announced and more than one third of the names on the list are students from DMJX. Ten photojournalist student are among the 28 nominated photographers:Andreas HaubjergAndreas Beukel VintherJesper HouborgLaura Bisgaard KroghJoakim Rimer RasmussenMorten Lau-NielsenNanna NavntoftOscar Scott CarlSarah Hartvigsen »

Tobias Kobborg’s story on BBC

Tobias Kobborg‘s story about the young Kenyan runner Cornelius Kemboi is published on BBC Sport online. Tobias Kobborg made the story “No one could catch me” during his third term in the fall 2018. With the story, Tobias was last year, one of out ten students to be nominated for »

Final screening day

Today, around 50 DMJX students gathered for our traditional final screening day, where students from all terms showed their work to each other. »

Photo I and scholarship students have been selected

Out of 67 applications for our Photo I programme, we have selected the ten students, who will study at DMJX in the spring 2020. Two of these students will receive scholarships from the VII Foundation. We have selected Solmaz Daryani and Sabry Khaled to receive a scholarship each to study »

Shirin Abedi receives BFF-Förderpreis

Shirin Abedi is one of 12 students from Germany, Austria and Schwitzerland, who will receive the BFF grant of € 1,500 to continue a photo project. Shirin receives the grant based on her final Photo I project “May I have this Dance”. Shirin’s says about project: “Since the revolution in »

Mikkel Hørlyck’s third term project in Politiken

Mikkel Hørlyck‘s project “The Neglected” was published in Politiken, Sunday the 1st of December and is also available online at Mikkel made the project during his third term in the fall 2016 and he recently won the prestigious Discovery Of The Year at the 17th Lucie Awards ceremony, which »

Lukas Kreibig’s final project in Stern Magazine

Exactly two years ago, in November 2017, Lukas Kreibig started his final project at DMJX. He made the story “Heart of a Seal” about the Greenlandic town Uummannaq, it’s people and how they’re affected by the climate changes. Lukas continued to work on the story and now it is published »

Patricia Kühfuss exhibits in Johannesburg

Particia Kühfuss is exhibiting her project “How to get Home” in the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, right now. Patricia Kühfuss has collaborated with the Sowetan creative Siya Fonds in making the exhibition. The pictures play a visual hide-and-seek with the typical handsigns used to catch a minitaxi in the »

Photo I students launch magazine

Our nine international Photo I students released their magazine “belong” at a reception at DMJX, today. The magazine is available online and the printed version is exhibited in the front hall at the school. The nine students behind the magazine are Mackenzie Brockman (USA)Khashayar Javanmardi (Iran)Maggie Svoboda (USA)Jessica Miles (England)Tariq »

Oscar Scott Carl finalist at The Alexia Grant

Oscar Scott Carl has won Award of Excellence at The Alexia 2019 Student Grant by the Alexia Foundation. This Tuesday, the winners of the Alexia 2019 professional and student grants were announced. Oscar Scott Carl won Award of Excellence in the student category for his third term project “A Boys »

DMJX students start new photo community in Aarhus

Sarah Christine Nørgaard, Sofie Mathiassen, Morten Lau-Nielsen and Benjamin Nørskov have started the photo community Sekssyv and their first event is a talk with Joakim Rimer Rasmussen. The first event by Sekssyv is a talk with Joakim Rimer Rasmussen, who graduated this autumn with the project Fjordvang, which is a »

Green Gold

STILL PICTURE STORY by Valdemar Stroe Ren and Jesper Houborg – made in the fall 2019 during third term at DMJX. Illigal logging in Romania, 2019. Romania is home to the largest virgin forests in Europe, but during the last 30 years, it has been abused fiercely. Ever since the »

Editing days in Copenhagen

The organisation Freelancegruppen has created a series of workshops with the title “Create your own large photo project”. The participants have worked on individual projects and this week, Søren Pagter met with them to finalize the visual part of the stories. Next week, they’ll finish the text together with Thomas »