Third term reportage exhibition opened at DMJX

Our 14 danish third term students finished their documentary workshop last Friday and they are exhibiting their stories at DMJX right now. The students behind the exhibition areMarie Ravn, Johanne Teglgård Olsen, Emilie Lærke Henriksen, Andreas Beukel Vinther, Emil Agerskov Hansen, Jesper Houborg, Valdemar Stroe Ren, Emil Helms, Simon Trøjborg »

Mads Greve conducting a portrait workshop in Cairo

Mads Greve is in Cairo this week to conduct the second of the series of four workshops for a selected group of Egyptian photographers. The workshops are made in co-operation with Photopia and with financial support from DEDI, the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Initiative. The first workshop was held by Søren »

Kristina Steiner exhibits at OFF Bratislava

Pictures from Kristina Steiner ‘s final diploma project “Sanguma – the believe in witchcraft in the highlands of Papua New Guinea” are being exhibited at OFF Bratislava 2019 – dogmatiX in Slovakia. »

Two DMJX prizes in the multimedia categories at CPOY

The judging of the five multimedia categories at College Photographer of the Year has ended and two DMJX-projects have been selected as winners by the jury. GOLDDeepti Asthana and Michelle HanksGroup Story or Essay – Standalone AWARD OF EXCELLENCEKatinka Klinge, Oscar Scott Carl and Mads FrostShort Documentary »

DMJX students have won eight prizes at CPOY

The judging of the still picture categories at College Photographer of the Year has ended and six DMJX-students have won eight prizes in six diffeerent categories. Nanna NavntoftPortrait category – Gold Kenneth Lysbjerg KoustrupPortrait – Award of Excellence Jens Hartmann SchmidtInternational Picture Story – Gold Andreas MerraldInternational Picture Story – »

Mikkel Hørlyck has won Discovery Of The Year at The Lucie Awards

Mikkel Hørlyck received the prestigious Discovery Of The Year at the 17th Lucie Awards ceremony, which was held at Carnegie Hall in New York on the 22nd of October. Together with the honour comes an award of $ 5,000. Mikkel was nominated for the award due to his first prize »

DMJX students exhibit with Nick Ut in Viborg

Katinka Klinge Albrectsen, Giulia Mangione and Mikkel Hørlyck have been selected to be a part of The Autumn Exhibition in Viborg, in which Pulitzer price winner Nick Ut also participates. The Autumn Exhibition opened at Pakhuset, St. Sct. Pederstræde 2, Viborg this Saturday the 26th of October and runs till »

Sofie Mathiassen and Lukas Kreibig at Vilnius Photo Circle

Sofie Mathiassen and Lukas Kreibig were among the finalists in the category “Circle of Life” at the 13th international photo festival “Vilnius Photo Circle”, which was held this weekend in the capital of Lithuania. Sofie Mathiassen was nominated for her personal story “But Greatest is Love” and Lukas Kreibig was »

Oscar Scott Carl’s reportage in Berlingske

Oscar Scott Carl‘s third term reportage story from the institution “Kaassassuk” in Nuuk, Greenland has been published in Berlingske on the 20th of October. Oscar has just begun his internship at Berlingske this August. »

Bettina Illemann Larsen and Benjamin Nørskov’s BA on

In the spring 2019, Journalist Bettina Illemann Larsen and photojournalist Benjamin Nørskov co-operated on an a large online BA-project about the fight against malaria. Their stories are now online at – the Danish national broadcast station. The story about the use of gen-modified mosquitoes as the fight against malaria »

DMJX students exhibit at Street Coffee

DMJX students Michael Nørgaard, Tanja Carstens Lund, Sofie Mathiassen, Morten Lau-Nielsen, Sille Veilmark, Anne Bæk, Joakim Rimer Rasmussen and Rasmus Laurvig are exhibiting together at Street Coffee, Jægergårdsgade in Aarhus. The photographers exhibit one image each and the pictures will decorate the cafe untill the end of the year. »

DMJX students at Eddie Adams Workshop

Yehyun Kim, Morgan Hornsby, Eve Edelheit and Ivan Riordan Boll participated in the 32nd Eddie Adams Workshop between the 11th and 14th of October. The Eddie Adams Workshop is a tuition-free photojournalism seminar for 100 selected young photographers. The workshop is held every year. This year DMJX students Yehyun Kim, »

Hashem Shakeri selected for Foam Talent 2020

Each year the Foam Magazine selects talented photographers between the ages of 18 and 35 from all across the world, who they find are interesting and worth to follow. Foam Magazine creates a special talent edition of their magazine in which they publish the selected stories. Hashem Shakeri is among »

Kenneth Lysbjerg Koustrup’s BA project in Ud & Se

A part of Kenneth Lysbjerg Koustrup’s BA project about the beautiful, but fragile Danish lakes is published in the October edition of the Danish magazine Ud & Se. The magazine is available online and in all DSB trains and train stations in Denmark. Kenneth graduated in June 2019. »

DMJX students on field trip to Copenhagen

25 Danish third term and Photo I students and their teachers have been on a two days field trip to Copenhagen. The DMJX group started Thursday with an exclusive lecture with Sanne de Wilde from Noor Images, who also gave the opening speech at the World Press Photo exhibition at »

Laura Bisgaard Krogh and Mads Greve exhibit in Matera, Italy

Laura Bisgaard Krogh and Mads Greve are part of the exhibition “Visions From Europe” – a photographic tribute to Matera Basilicata 2019 by Students and Teachers from 28 Countries. In May 2019, Laura Bisgaard Krogh and Mads Greve were invited to the European Cultural City, Matera in Italy for an »

Mikkel Hørlyck has won first prize at IPA – Int’l Photography Awards

Mikkel Hørlyck has received a first prize with his story “The Neglected” in the category Editorial, Contemporary Issues in the non-professional/student section at IPA – International Photography Awards. Mikkel made the story about the orphanage in Orhei, Moldova during his third term reportage in September and October 2016. Mikkel is »