Two scholarships available for studying at DMJX in the spring 2020

We’re are extremely happy that the VII Foundation continues to support DMJX Photojournalism by funding grants for two international students coming from the Majority World to study at DMJX in the spring 2020. The one grant will be named The Alexandra Boulat Grant in remembrance of the late, prize winning »

The first out of four workshops in Cairo has started

In co-operation with Photopia and with financial support from DEDI, the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Initiative, DMJX photojournalism has organized an educational programme for 12 Egyptian photographers. The first out of the four workshops is currently happening at Photopia in Cairo. Søren Pagter is conducting the first workshop in Cairo this »

Hashem Shakeri has received Getty Images Reportage Grant

Getty Images has announced the three recipients of the 2019 Reportage Grants and former DMJX student Hashem Shakeri has won a grant of $ 15,000. Hashem Shakeri has received the prize based on his project “An Elegy for the Death of Hamun”, which he made as his final project during »

Ella Kiviniemi exhibited at Wiesbaden Photo Days

Ella Kiviniemi‘s project “By the Borderline”, which she started as her final diploma project at DMJX in 2015, was exhibited at the 11th Wiesbaden Photo Days from the 17th of August till the 1st of September. Wiesbaden Photo days is a biennale and one of the oldest photo festivals in »

DMJX students at Visa pour l’Image

Seven DMJX students are participating in this year’s Visa Pour l’Image as a part of Canon’s Student Devlopment Programme and Andreas Haubjerg, who participated in the programme last year, was selected for screening at this year’s festival. »

Ulrik Hasemann gave welcome lecture at DMJX

Ulrik Hasemann gave this year’s welcome lecture to all our photojournalist students in the TV-auditorium, yesterday. At the lecture, Ulrik explained how he and Mathias Svold almost by accident began to work together during their 7th term at DMJX. Here, they were expected to work in groups and this was »

Pop-up exhibition and DMJX Festival

Monday the 2nd of September, DMJX celebrated the 75 years’ anniversary of the start of the first education programme at the school. The anniversary was celebrated with a day’s festival with talks and exhibitions at the cultural house Dokk1 in Aarhus. »

Pieter ten Hoopen at DMJX

Yesterday, Pieter ten Hoopen gave a lecture for all DMJX photojournalism students. Pieter teaches at DMJX every term and this week he teaches our final year students. Pieter ten Hoopen gave a very honest and educational lecture at DMJX yesterday afternoon. Pieter admitted that he was actually a really bad »

Picture gallery from the Cultural Meeting

DMJX photojournalism attended the annual Cultural Meeting at Mors this Thursday the 22nd till Saturday the 24th of August. Click to watch the students’ magazine “Morsø” and the “Coastland” project. The exhibition is kindly supported by Morsøfonden and Nordic Digital Lab. »

DMJX students at The Cultural Meeting on Mors

Our 16 third term students will participate in and exhibit at the annual Cultural Meeting, which opens this Thursday, the 22nd of August on the Danish island Mors. The DMJX students will exhibit their magazine stories, which they made on Mors in the spring earlier this year. Selected pictures will »

DMJX project becomes a book after ten years

Ten years ago, in 2009, Asbjørn Sand, photographed an “a day in the life of…” assignment during his second term at DMJX. This became the start of a ten years long personal project, which has now been published in the book “Slip”. In the summer holiday between his second and »

DMJX runs a series of workshops in Cairo

DMJX photojournalism has created an educational programme consisting of four different workshops, which will run this autumn and in the spring 2020 in Cairo. In co-operation with Photopia and with financial support from DEDI, the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Initiative, DMJX photojournalism will organize an educational programme for Egyptian photographers. The »

Sina Niemeyer exhibits at Deichtorhallen in Hamburg

Sina Niemeyer‘s project “Für Mich” is part of a group exhibition in Deichtorhallen, which runs from 12th of July until the 3rd of October. “Für Mich” is a personal story where Sina adresses the sexual abuse she experienced as a child. The project was made as her Visual Project at »

Three DMJX-projects at Rencontres d’Arles

Wilma Leskowitsch, Hashem Shakeri and Lukas Kreibig are showing their work at the Rencontres d’Arles Festival, which started the 1st of July. Wilma Leskowitsch is exhibiting her project “Crystals in the Dew” at Fotohaus in Arles. It is the BelleVue Galleri from Basel, which shows two of their previous exhibitions »

Kristina Steiner has won honorable mention at PX3

Kristina Steiner has won honorable mention in the portrait category at PX3 – Prix de la Photographie, Paris for her story “Sanguma – the believe in witchcraft in the highlands of Papua New Guinea”. Kristina Steiner made the project as her final diploma project at DMJX in the fall 2017. »

Sille Veilmark and Sofie Mathiassen received the Ritzau Scanpix Prize

At the graduation ceremony today, Sille Veilmark and Sofie Mathiassen received the Ritzau Scanpix Prize for best Danish photojournalistic BA-project. The two photographers received the prize for their book 1°C, which tells about the various consequences of the global climate changes in Denmark. Three projects were nominated for the prize. »

Mikkel Hørlyck has won second prize at PX3

Mikkel Hørlyck has won silver for his story The Neclegted in the Feature category at PX3 – Prix de la Photographie, Paris. The Neclegted is the story about an orphanage in the city of Orhei in Moldova, which is the residence of some 200 boys and men, who are physically »

Lukas Kreibig has won Flash Forward Award 2019

Lukas Kreibig has won the climate category in The Magenta Foundation‘s Flash Forward Award. Lukas Kreibig has won the prize with his long term project “The Heart of a Seal” about the life in Uummannaq, Greenland, an island town off the country’s western coast. Lukas started the project as his »

DMJX students at festival workshop

9 DMJX students are currently participating in workshops with photographers Sanne de Wilde and Filippo Venturi as a part of the Copenhagen Photo Festival. The 9 participating students are Katinka Klinge Albrectsen, Deepti Asthana, Sophie Voisin, Shirin Abedi, Aleksander Klug, Andreas Haubjerg, Jens Hartmann Schmidt, Maria Albrechtsen Mortensen and Nanna »