Nanna Navntoft has received “Kravlingprisen”

At the award ceremony Saturday evening October 10, Nanna Navntoft received this year’s “Kravlingprisen” in the photography category. Nanna Navtoft received the prize for her long term project about Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and over eating. Nanna has worked on the topic for around two years. She made her first »

Three lectures to prepare the students for their final projects

During the days, we have had a series of lectures to prepare our students for their final BA and diploma projects. The first talk was with Sara Galbiati, Tobias Selnæs and Peter Helles, who shared the process of making their up-coming book, The Merge. The next two lectures were held »

Sigrid Nygaard at DMJX

Tuesday evening, picture editor and photographer Sigrid Nygaard gave a talk at DMJX. The talk was organized by the organisation Fotografisk Salon and all DMJX photojournalist students were invited to participate. Sigrid Nygaard started her talk by taking the audience through her job as picture editor during the past more »

Benjamin Nørskov on EPA exhibition-tour in Sweden

One year ago, Benjamin Nørskov opened his first “EPA, Sweden” exhibition at Värmland’s Museum in Karlstad. This Saturday, he opened a new exhibition at Jönköpings Läns Museum and next month, “EPA, Sweden” can be seen at Abecita Arts Museum in Borås. EPA, Sweden are stories about youngsters in Sweden, who »

Welcome lecture by Tobias Nicolai

Photojournalist Tobias Nicolai gave this term’s welcoming lecture for more than 40 photojournalis students on Tuesday the 8th of September. “Don’t say no”. During the first part of his lecture, Tobias Nicolai shared a lot of inside information about how he works on assignments and solves visual challenges for his »

Pop-up exhibition at Dokk1

During nine working hours on Friday the 4th of September, 15 DMJX students and three teachers created a pop-up portrait exhibition at Dokk1 in Aarhus. The students met at 9am and were immediately sent out into the streets of Aarhus to meet and portray the people of the city. During »

We’re back at school

Almost three weeks ago, Monday the 17th of August, our 8th term and Photo II students started at the new DMJX school as the very first group of students after the Covid-19 shut down and the summer break. One week later, the Photo I and 7th term students came back »

“A Question of Honour” is being exhibited in various towns in Denmark

Photographer Laura Bisgaard Krogh, journalist Mikkel Thuesen and photographer Andreas Haubjerg are showing their documentary project ‘A Question of Honour’ as an outdoor photo exhibition in different towns in Denmark, including Svendborg, Sønderborg and Holstebro. ‘A Question of Honour’ shows portraits and tells the stories of children and teenagers, who »

14 DMJX students participate in Canon Student Development Programme

For the fourth year in a row, Canon sponsors a unique student development programme as a part of the Visa pour l’Image. This year 14 DMJX students have been selected to follow classes and receive port folio reviews. The 14 students are:– Anas Kamal, student at our Language of Photojournalism »

Nanna Navntoft selected for Young Danish Photography 2020

Each year, Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen creates an exhibition that highlights young Danish photography. This year, Nanna Navntoft is among the seven photographers selected for the exhibition. Nanna Navntoft will be exhibiting some of her work that covers the human consequences of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and over eating. Nanna »

Angelina Owino exhibits a project that started in 2012

As her Visual Project at DMJX back in the fall 2012, Angelina Owino made selfportraits with the title “There’s so much of me why don’t you see me”. Angelina has over the years continued the project and right now she is exhibiting at Aagaard, Korsgårdsvej 1, Hurup, Thy, in the »

Katrine Noer exhibits Lockdown Diaries

When the world shut down, Katrine Noer mailed disposable cameras to people all over the world who wanted to document their life during their lockdown. The participants took one picture a day and added a note to the picture. When the film was out, the camera was returned, and the »

Morten Lau-Nielsen exhibits in Aarhus

Morten Lau-Nielsen exhibits his project The Buoyant Days at Graven 29, Aarhus – the exhibition is organized by The Photographic Plate Project.  Morten describes his project like this:”The first kiss, the first party and the first girlfriend. In the spring of 2017 I decided to go back to where I »

Shirin Abedi shortlisted for Global Peace Photo Award

Shirin Abedi is shortlisted for the Global Peace Photo Award with her story May I Have This Dance? May I Have This Dance? is the story about Nona (18), Mojdeh (21), Reyhaneh (22) and Yasamin (22), who belong to the same ballet group in Tehran. They are part of the »

Hashem Shakeri has won Tokyo International Photography Competition

Hashem Shakeri has been selected as the Grand Prix winner of the 7th edition of Tokyo International Photography Competition. The Tokyo International Photography Competition (TIPC) was created to provide an opportunity for photographers to present their artistic visions beyond their country’s borders and open up the possibilities for cross-pollination and »

Shirin Abedi wins the F3 Award at the Lumix Festival

This afternoon, the winners at this year’s Lumix Festival were announced at an online award ceremony. Shirin Abedi won the F3 – freiraum für fotografie Award for her story “May I Have this Dance”. Shirin’s project documents a ballet group from Iran, it takes us into the lives of young »

Magazine exhibition at Dokk1

Our Danish second term students exhibit their magazine stories at the Library and Citizens’ Services at Aarhus Harbour. During the Covid-19 lock down, the 14 students produced individual stories and produced the magazine [Det vi ikke kan se] – (That, Which We Cannot See). The stories and the magazine are »

Admission test at the new campus

This Friday, we held the second round of the admission test for our Danish BA in photojournalism at the new campus in Aarhus. The second round of the admission test consists of a three hour photo assignment where the applicants are given a specific topic for which they must produce »

International students selected for fall 2020 term

We’re happy to announce that we have selected the international students, who are going to study at DMJX after the summer break. We received 42 applications and have selected 10 students for our international Photo I programme and three students, who will join our Danish final year students during the »

DMJX documentary selected for Odense Film Festival

OFF – Odense International Film Festival has announced the 129 short films from all over the world, that will be shown at this year’s festival.The DMJX documentary “First Comes Love” is among the selected short films. »