Katinka Klinge exhibits at Copenhagen Photo Festival

Katinka Klinge exhibits at the Copenhagen Photo Festival as a part of the project “Reconstruction of Identities”, which will open Wednesday the 10th of June at 5pm. “Reconstruction of Identities” is a combined exhibition by the photographers Katerina Buil Sanne De Wilde, Filippo Venturi, Marine Gastineau, Ana Amado and Martin »

Two DMJX projects selected for Helsinki Photo Festival

The Helsinki Photo Festival has announced this year’s winning projects to be exhibited at the festival from the 7th of July to the 30th of September in Finland – among the winners are two DMJX stories. “A Question of Honour” by Laura Bisgaard Krogh and Andreas Haubjerg has been selected »

Simona Ghizzoni talked about crises in her work

Today, Simona Ghizzoni made the last online talk in the series of presentations organized in co-operation between OsloMet, Canon and DMJX. Simona used various crisis to take the audience through her many projects. She explained how a crisis can be the reason for starting a new creative process. Simona ended »

Presentation by Andreas Vinther and Tobias Stidsen

Andreas Beukel Vinther and Tobias Stidsen presented their video documentary “Before I Disappear” at the DMJX Talk, yesterday. The short video documentary “Before I Disappear” tells the story about the girl Jessica, who suffers from OCD. The two photographers won first prize with this film in the short TV/Video Category »

Danish second term students have launched their magazine

At a reception today, our Danish second term students presented and launched their magazine [Det vi ikke kan se] made during a workshop in the Covid-19 lock down period. The magazine is made by Mads Andreas Frost Magnus HoveMathias Eis Schultz Jonathan Damslund Emma Marie Thomsen Jesper HouborgMarcus Emil Christensen »

Ivor Prickett online talk

Today, we held the third online talk made in co-operation with OsloMet Photojournalism and Canon when Ivor Prickett talked about his work to 50 listeners. Ivor Pricket shared his experiences as a young student from Newport University with the young listeners at the online lecture today. During the lecture, Ivor »

120 listeners for the talk with Aida Muluneh

Today, we held the second of a series of talks arranged in co-operation with OsloMet and Canon. Aida Muluneh gave a very inspirational talk for the 120 listeners. “99 per cent of photography is human interaction”, Aida Muluneh said during today’s online lecture, where she explained how she is working »

Lumix jury met online

This Friday the 24th of April, the picture series jury of the Lumix Festival met online to review all the still picture stories and select this year’s winners. The picture series jury consists of Barbara StaussAndrea HolzbergKatharina MouratidiMalin SchulzGilles SteinmannAndreas TrampeLois Lammerhuber Søren Pagter During the meeting the jury selected »

DMJX talk with Andreas Merrald

We’re continuing our series of DMJX talks where students share their experiences with one another. Today, Andreas Merrald, who is currently interning at Politiken, talked about his isolation project where he interviewed and photographed 20 of his neighbours from his balcony. »

Shirin Abedi wins Deutscher Jugendfotopreis 2020

Shirin Abedi has won Deutscher Jugendfotopreis 2020 with her story “May I have this Dance?” Shirin started the project about women dancers in Iran as her Final Project during Photo I in the spring 2019. After her study at DMJX, Shirin has continued to work on the story, which is »

Seven DMJX projects selected for the Lumix Festival

Five still picture stories and two digital stories made at DMJX have been selected for the 7th Lumix Festival, which should have been held from the 24th till 28th of June in Hanover. Due to the Covid-19 crisis the original festival has unfortunately been cancelled. Instead, the organizors have transformed »

200 participants for the online talk with Fabio Bucciarelli

In co-operation with OsloMet and Canon Europe, DMJX arranged a very present online talk this Friday with Fabio Bucciarelli. who recently covered the Covid-19 situation for New York Times. More than 200 photographers from all over the world attended the very educational lecture, where Fabio Bucciarelli shared a lot of »

Last two DMJX talks

Wednesday and today, we held the last two in a series of four DMJX talks, where some of the students, who had won at the Danish POY, talked about their projects. »

DMJX online talks

The Covid-19 shut down has resulted in a constant change of teaching and workshops. In order to provide our students with extra online input, we have arranged DMJX talks with some of the Danish students, who won at the Danish Picture of the Year. This Tuesday afternoon, the first two »

Online magazine reception in the dark light of Covid-19

For the first time ever, it was necessary to hold an online reception for our recent student magazine, “it wasn’t supposed to be like this”. More than 30 people from all over the world joined the event. Shortly after our eight international students began their magazine workshop, Denmark was closed »

Last day at the DMJX bunker

Yesterday, Mads Greve and Søren Pagter met at DMJX to pack everything and get ready for moving to the new campus. Due to the current Covid-19 situation it was an emotional experience closing down the photo department without any buzzing students around. »

Picture gallery from the Danish POY

Friday the 6th of March, the award ceremony for the Danish Picture of the Year was held at The Black Diamond, The Royal Library in Copenhagen. 7 photojournalist students, 1 TV Media Production student and 1 guest teacher from DMJX won first prizes at the competition.3 photojournalist students were runners-up »

DMJX photojournalist students win 7 first prizes at the Danish POY

Today’s award ceremony at the Danish POY turned out to be historical when DMJX photojournalist students won first prizes in 7 out the 16 categories – among these the main prize; “Picture of the Year” went to Sarah Hartvigsen Juncker. The photojournalist student winners are: Sarah Hartvigsen Juncker won both »

Open School at both DMJX campuses

This week, DMJX has had two Open School Events – one at each of our campuses. Both in Copenhagen and in Aarhus, potential applicants could meet with students and teachers in order to learn about all the nine educational programmes offered at DMJX. »

Third term project in 360 Degrees magazine

Marius Renner Christensen‘s project “Prison is a Way out of Poverty” is published over four pages in the Danish magazine 360 Degrees. Marius’ story is about a rehabilitation project in the Prison Civile d’Agadez, Niger. Marius made the project during his third term in the fall 2019. »